
Holistic Medical Check Up - Arun Health Garden

The Holistic Medical Check Up program is designed to get more details than normal check up programs. It provides information about the possible causes of health problems such as toxins, nutrients, and free radicals in the body. In the first step of the Holistic Medical Check Up program, patients will meet up with an Integrative Medicine Doctor to obtain a detailed patient medical history, perform physical examination before engaging lab tests. The results will assist in diagnosis and future treatment plans.

Examples of the Holistic Medical Check Up

d-ROMs test / BAP test: Blood
Free radicals are natural substances formed in the body by various processes. However, if the free radicals are present in high concentrations, this can result in cell degeneration and chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and cancer. On the other hand, the body also produces anti-oxidants to help combat and destroy free radicals in the body.

The d-ROM test provides information about the level of free radicals present in the body, while the BAP test will determine the body’s ability to produce anti-oxidants effectively. This is an assessment to examine the initial health of each patient, and to make risk assessments for possible chronic conditions that may occur, supporting doctors to formulate an appropriate treatment and prevention plan.

Micronutrient / Antioxidant Profile: Blood

Instead of taking supplement without knowing which one you lacking of, micronutrient/antioxidant profile test will help identify the nutrients each individual needs. This tests for levels of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants present in the body in order to obtain a detailed insight of whether each patient possesses enough anti-oxidants. This will assist doctors to determine how much and what type of vitamin and minerals to prescribe for individual patients.

Saliva Adrenal Cortex Stress Profile: Saliva
This tests for levels of cortisol and DHEA, natural hormones associated with stress and well being respectively. A sample of saliva is collected 4 times daily, making this test more accurate than taking a single blood test.  The test is recommended for patients with signs of chronic fatigue, chronic diseases, stress, insomnia, and may help with the diagnosis and treatment of Adrenal fatigue syndrome.

Female/Male Hormone Profile: Blood/Urine/Saliva
This measures precise levels of sex hormones in the pre/post menopause, or those with signs of hormonal imbalance suggested by various signs and symptoms such as weight gain, insomnia, chronic fatigue, chronic pain or heart palpitations. Blood tests are carried out for initial hormone examinations, but if hormone therapy is required, further salivary samples and urine samples may be collected.

Comprehensive Thyroid Hormone: Blood/Saliva

Hormones have different functions within the body, but each one is dependent on the workings of another. Thyroid hormones play a significant role in this interconnected system. Although patients with Hyperthyroid function (overactive Thyroid glands) or Hypothyroid function (Thyroid gland too inactive) may not have symptoms progressive to the point of Thyroid disease, they may still experience symptoms such as weight gain, chronic fatigue, dizziness, constipation or cold hands and feet. By checking comprehensive thyroid hormones panel, will help identify the causes of health problems that may be related to suboptimal thyroid function.

Food Allergy/ Hidden Food Allergy: Blood

There are many types of allergic reactions to food.
In some cases, symptoms can arise immediately; within a few minutes or hours upon consumption of substances that patients may be allergic to, which stimulates the body’s immune system to launch a response. This is called IgE-mediated allergy.

Other people may experience slow, delay or unclear symptoms. This occurs when the immune system produces an IgG-mediated response against allergens. Although the consequences are normally not as sudden or dangerous as IgE-mediated reactions, it has been linked to abnormalities and chronic diseases such as asthma, allergies, severe headaches, disorientation, fatigue, weakness, joint pain, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). By checking IgG or IgE food allergy test, one will be able to eliminate allergic diet that may cause health problems. Which tests required by each individual patients will depend on symptoms and physical examination and to be advised by doctors.

Heavy Metal Analysis: Blood / Urine / Hair
This tests for levels of heavy metal in the body, which normally comes from pollution in the atmosphere. Tests on diet, urine or hair samples are methods of detecting heavy metals in the body, which should be negative or absent under normal circumstances.  Any information obtained from abnormal results can be compared with possible symptoms of heavy metal accumulation, which is useful for doctors in choosing the most appropriate chemical to be used in chelation therapy.

Comprehensive Stool Analysis: Stool
This test provides a detailed analysis of stool matter to reflect food digestion and absorption function. It is very useful for patients with longstanding digestive system problems, especially in cases where no known cause can be found from simple lab investigation. This is because the test will also measure the action of digestive enzymes on specific food groups, absorption of nutrients across the gut wall, and the level of  ‘good’ bacteria and microorganisms that should be present in the digestive system. Results will be useful in prognosis and planning effective treatment.

Amino Acid Analysis: Blood/Urine
This test measures the level of all 20 types of amino acids within the body. Amino acids are essential building blocks for biochemical processes that sustain our organs, body, and mind. Tests for vitamins and electrolytes are also offered.

Healthy-aging check up
Testing for conditions related to hormones and inflammation within the body that are responsible for cell and organ degeneration. This is related to many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, ischemic stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease etc. The tests offered include hs-CRP, d-ROMS test/BAP test, Micronutrient-Antioxidant Profile, Comprehensive Hormone test, Amino Acid Analysis, and Heavy Metal Analysis. Doctors will decide on the appropriateness of each test based on different individuals.