
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) - Arun Health Garden

What is it?

HBOT is the medical use of 100% oxygen delivered at pressures above atmospheric pressure. Oxygen is a crucial factor in driving cellular processes that sustain life. Most of it is carried around the body by Red Blood Cells, and a small amount is dissolved in the surrounding blood plasma. By administering pure oxygen at high atmospheric pressures, HBOT is able to increase red blood cell count, and their ability to bind oxygen (O2 saturation) and deliver them to other cells. The amount of dissolved oxygen is also increased by up to 20 times compared to normal breathing.

In addition, HBOT also delivers oxygen to cells via other bodily fluids such as the lymphatic system, which comes into contact with almost every tissue. The result is widespread diffusion of oxygen around the body, even in patients with circulatory diseases that compromise oxygen content such as ischemic stroke, paralysis, peripheral artery disease, or chronic diabetic ulcers etc.


Cells cannot function without oxygen. Improving oxygen delivery to organs will not only benefit healthy organs, but also initiate repair mechanisms that are able to restore normal cell and organ function. Similarly, HBOT encourages increased capillarization of organs, which allows the body’s natural healing process to proceed. It even enhances the natural immune response through white blood cells, which assists in killing bacteria/virus found in inflamed tissues to speed up healing process and health recovery.

Who will benefit from HBOT?

Medical research involving HBOT has become more widespread, particularly in anti-aging/wellness therapeutics of the following conditions:

  • Boosting the patient’s natural immunity and stem cell
  • Cancer
  • Diseases of the central nervous system e.g. stroke, paralysis, alzheimer’s disease, autism, brain trauma, myelitis and multiple sclerosis,
  • Fibromyalgia and Chronic pain
  • Lyme Disease and Infectious diseases.
  • Migraine
  • Neuropathy
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Sport Injuries

Medical professionals have relied on HBOT in the treatment of many diseases and abnormalities as follows:

  • Air embolism
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Clostridia infection of the muscle
  • Serious life-threatening injuries e.g. car accident, crush injury
  • Decompression sickness (common in divers)
  • Burns
  • Chronic Infection and Inflammation of the bone (Osteomyelitis)
  • Diabetic ulcer and chronic wound infection
  • Delayed radiation injury
  • Skin and muscle grafts
  • Brain abscess
  • Severe anemia

Treatment procedure and side effects

Side effects are rare when HBOT is performed under professional supervision. Some patients may experience ear-ringing, ear or sinus pain, which could occur from slow adaptation to the chamber’s air pressure. Other very rare side effects include pneumothorax in patients with existing lung disease, which can be avoided by x-ray screening prior to the procedure. Some patients may report a variety of oxygen-toxicity symptoms such as seizures, heavy chest and impaired vision, which is normally improved upon stopping oxygen treatment.

Preparation for treatment

  1. The Patient is well informed and gives consent before receiving HBOT.
  2. Change into 100% cotton clothing (provided by Arun Health Garden). Stockings, socks and baby/adult diapers should be removed.
  3. Please do not carry any belongings into the hyperbaric chamber. This includes all jewelry, hard contact lenses, wigs, false teeth, hearing aid, identification tags/wristbands or plasters.
  4. Objects posing risk of fire hazard or static ability are not allowed. E.g. books, lighter, battery-powered electronics.
  5. Smokers should refrain from smoking at least 4 hours before treatment.
  6. One day before treatment, patients are encouraged to get plenty of sleep and avoid excessive exercise.
  7. Diabetics should take a normal meal and measure blood glucose levels before entering the hyperbaric chamber. If blood glucose is <140 mg/dl drink 1 glass of sweetened water before entering, or if >300mg/dl then make sure the doctor is aware.
  8. Patients can take current medical prescriptions, providing they do not interfere with the effects of HBOT such as Disulfiram (Anatabuse), Doxorubicin (Adriamycin). Any self-prescribed drugs should be reported to the supervisor beforehand.
  9. Ensure supervisor is aware of any symptoms such as cold/flu, sore throat, nausea, or if the patient is taking a new drug prescription.
  10. Upon entering the hyperbaric chamber, the supervisor will gradually increase gas pressure within the chamber to the desired level over the course of 10-15 In the meantime, patients may have feel ringing in the ears akin to scuba diving. These symptoms can be relieved by swallowing saliva or jaw wiggling (Valsalva maneuver), which re-adjusts pressure within the ears.
  11. During the treatment, patients may listen to music or watch television built into the room, and even sleep if they wish.
  12. Around 15-20 minutes before treatment ends, pressure is lowered back to normal. Patient’s may asked to re-adjust ear pressure again.
  13. Most patients will show significant improvements in health after a minimum of 20 consecutive sessions.