Acupuncture is a form of complementary and alternative medicine certified by the World Health Organization (WHO) that uses the Traditional Chinese Medicine methods to correct the body’s equilibrium. It involves the circulation of qi or “life force” which refers to natural energy flow within our bodies, essence (jing), body fluids, and blood. In normal conditions, these components should be balanced and in connection with ‘meridians’, a channel which connects the flow of qi through various internal and external organs including the skin.
Hence, the disruption of qi is believed to be responsible for the following diseases, which according to the WHO and scientific research, can be treated with acupuncture.
- Back, neck, knee, shoulder Pain or Myofascial pain
- Tendinitis
- Chronic Headaches
- Neuropathy, numbness
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Stomachache, period pain (dysmenorrhea), gastritis
- Nausea and vomiting
- Allergy
- Hypertension, high blood pressure
- Stress, depression
- Difficulty sleeping or Insomnia
- Paresis and Paralysis
In addition, acupuncture is also able to correct the body’s inner balance, which is reflected by an improvement in skin condition and aesthetic appearance. As this method works by stimulating the body’s own self-organizing activity, it is a safe procedure with very few side effects when performed by a trained specialist. Finally, overall health is also improved with acupuncture, leading to a better quality of life.
Acupuncture programs at AHG
- Acupuncture to restore balance (Acu-I)
- Acupuncture to restore balance and for specific diseases (Acu-II)
- Acupuncture for aesthetic combining with herbal facemask to replenish skin and anti-aging effect. (Acu-Beauty)